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Wednesday, 10 April 2019

When words can hurt...

"Do NOT let any unwholesome talk comes out of your mouth but only what is helpful in building others up according to their needs; that may benefit to those who listens.” – Ephesian 4:28

Have you ever criticise people before?
So much so you can find thousands of faults in them...
That you can literally laugh your head off…

As human nature, we love to find fault with others...

I was being labelled and teased during my school days…
People called me names like ‘skinny’, ‘ugly’, ‘stupid’, ‘miss impossible’ and etc.
So much so I have no friends for the first 3 years of my schooling days…

When I was 9 years, I finally had one true friend that stuck by me endlessly.
But she died of cancer when we transited to high school at the age of 13…
After that, I was without a friend again during my teenage years.
I was again being labelled for all the insults threw at my face…
Each time I tried to be nice and friendly,
I was cast out…
That’s when I begin to find solitude a friend…

Words hurt….

It strikes me how people be so mean to one another…
That they can say hurtful things that doesn’t mean anything to them…
But it means the world to those who listened and moan over it…

When I come across the bible verse of Ephesians 4:28 that said 
“Do not let any unwholesome talk comes out of your mouth…”
I realised that that is what we all needed... 
To keep our words in tact!

For the past few years,
I was there and done that…
I threw plenty of unwholesome talks around.
So much so, people started to walk out of me…
I lost a brilliant friendship,
I lost all the wonderful memories that will brighten up my future…
I lost everything…
Because of all the unwholesome talks that come out of my mouth…

Nobody wants to know how terrible they are,
Even if it is the truth…
Because nobody need words that keep pulling them down all the time...

We all need empathy in life…
And so does everyone else in this world…
Because we don’t know what others are going thru…
And nobody knows what we are going thru…

They may seems to have everything you think they need…
And they think we might seems to have everything we need…
But there are lots of things that they don’t tell you about themselves…
And we also don’t tell them everything about ourselves….

They may have struggled all throughout the years…
Which nobody knows what it is…
And we also struggled so much over the years that we tell nobody about it…
Yet, we treated each other as if they have the perfect world…
And vice versa...
When the world is hardly ever perfect...

Life is a huge struggle…
All of us go thru it….
Even multi-millionaires go thru it just so to be rich…

Even Jesus Christ has to bear the pain for our sake by being condemned on the cross…
And still do until today…

Yet, we continue to let unwholesome talks fly out of the mouth…
Because we thought it is just right…

The truth is…
You lose more than you gain…

Have you heard of the saying…
“What comes round, goes round…”

That is true…
When we gossip about others…
People will gossip about us in return…

When we condemn others,
People will condemn us as well…

If we lie to them,
We will be lied in return…

But if you do good to people…
Even if someone tend to hurt you for your goodness,
You will be surprised to know that those who cherish you will naturally stands up for you…

So it is the same with words…

If you compliment others… (with the truth, of course!)
They will naturally do the same to you as well…

Of course,
In some culture,
It is a challenge to have people saying positive things about you... 
because it is a taboo to do as that…

But God has taught us that it is wiser to avoid unwholesome talk…
Unwholesome talk include things that are not true even if it sounds positive to the ears…

Everybody needs to hear the truth – YES!
And most people will not hesitant to tell the truth…
And they did it real good with lots of negativity….
And that’s exactly why relationships are broken…
Because negative words hurt…
It is very similar to being insulted, labelled and name-calling…
And that’s what people detested most!

Nobody, not even the worst person in this world, deserves that…
Each and everyone of us need a sense of sympathy…
We all want some kindness and gentleness in our life…
We are want to be loved and cared for…

Be careful with your tongue…
Be mindful with your words…
It may take some brain-work to produce excellent conversation…
But better a positive statement than a foul connection…

As for me…
The littler I said,
The sweeter but truthful it is,
The safer it is…

If you really and truly unable to gurgle a good statement,
The only solution is to remain speechless…

Based on my recent experience and observation.
A speechless man gains more friends than gossipers…
Although he doesn't mean anything about his silent...
And has no intention to gain any attention for himself…
He maintains a great sense of peace and quiet…
He brings comfort to those who need tranquillity to of the moment...

That's what I like...
And that's what I want...

Peace and quiet…
Friendship and love…

As sweet as buttercup…

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