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Saturday, 29 June 2019

Knowing God

It’s different from knowing about Him…

It’s like…
Getting to know about a friend…
And knowing a friend…

The former sentence put you in a position whereby: the subject is just an acquaintance.
But the latter transformed the subject as your comrade.
That is two very contrasting statements…

When you know about someone,
It tells people that you only get to see them on the surface…
But insufficient to understand their history…

When you know someone (eliminate the ‘about’)
You know more than just the surface of their crazy personality,
But you also understood why they have become who they are today…
That gives you the privilege to see the truth within them….

Knowing God is the exactly the same…
You need to study the bible very thoroughly to understand why He is who He is…

Describing His personality and etc is just a starting point,
And that’s what we stated as ‘knowing about Him’
And honestly speaking,
Most of us are already there…
We know what He is like and etc...
But do we really know Him?

Some people described Him as an angry man that cast fire on the bush…
Some people said He is jealous person…
Some people said this and that…
While I cannot go against those statements because it is clearly written in the bible,
I daresay tho….
There is a valid reason behind all these…
Do you know God as you claim you do in the bible?

I dare not claim I know Him entirely – just yet….
But I knew sufficiently that knowing God is definitely an everyday process…
It’s a relationship with my Heavenly Father….
It’s just like having a relationship with another human being…
It takes time to know a person deep down inside….

And having a relationship isn’t just about describing their personalities…
But rather, connecting with them from the inside out…

I tell you what it is like to have a relationship with someone else…
I am sure you will recognised all these within your loved ones too…

Having a relationship with someone is like…
Knowing what they think before they even say it…
Feeling them even when they aren’t physically there at all…
Sharing the same thoughts and mindset even when it is supposedly a ‘coincident’…
Being able to tell when things happened to them even when it hasn’t happened just yet!

It’s the unbreakable bondage…
It doesn’t matter the distance, space and time…
You just know that the connection is there – all the way!

So it is like that with knowing God…
You can feel Him…
You know He is there even when physically He is not!
You know what He is thinking before something happen…
It certainly sounds physic but it is not…

That’s because you already have a relationship with Him…
You don’t need to describe His personality to anyone else to know about Him…
Nor do you need a book to tell you all about God…
You just need to develop and have a loving, caring, humble, kind and joyous relationship with Him to know Him…

So that's that's the great difference between know 'about' God and knowing God...

Knowing 'about' God is just a description of Him...
Knowing God is to have an intimate relationship with Him...

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